Posts Tagged resume

Resume Tips for a Great First Impression

The job search is a long process. The first – and perhaps the most important – step is to develop a strong, persuasive and captivating resume. There is no magic formula for creating a winning resume, but here are some things to keep in mind to make your resume stand out from the competition. Presentation is half the battle With all of the information you need to include, arranging it in an intelligent, reader-friendly manner is important.

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Things Recruiters Don’t Tell You… But I Will

As I set out to write this, I thought about what would be helpful for job seekers. I thought about all the typical things you’re told when looking for a job. Then, I decided you could get that information anywhere. You need the information you don’t find everywhere—or even get when we meet you. So here we go; this is part one in the series “Things Recruiters Don’t Tell You… But I Will.

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Four Points to Make When Writing a Cover Letter

Cover letters are often overlooked; many people are under the mistaken assumption that they aren’t even needed anymore. I’ve heard some employers say they don’t even look at them — yet I’ve heard others say they wouldn’t even consider a candidate without one. Why take that risk? Add your cover letter to every resume you send out. After spending hours crafting the perfect resume, do you type up a quick cover letter and send it off?

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