Top 40 Accounting Jokes to Liven Up Your Day

Now that tax season is over, accountants finally have space to lighten up and take a beach day — or keep working (whatever makes you happiest). We know how hard you work and wanted to put together a resource to give you a much-needed and well-deserved break. Here are — in this writer’s opinion — 9 accounting jokes to liven up your day: Our Favorite Accounting Jokes   Welcome to the accounting department, where everybody counts. Where do homeless accounts live? In a tax shelter. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. What do you call an accountant with an opinion? An auditor. How does Santa’s accountant value his sleigh? The Net Present Value. Why are accountants so cool, calm and collected? They have strong internal controls. What do you call a trial balance that does not balance? A late night. What do accountants suffer from that ordinary people don’t? Depreciation. They say that two things in life are unavoidable: death and taxes. At least death only happens once! There are two steps to creating a successful accounting business: Don’t tell them everything that you know. [redacted] For every tax problem encountered there is a solution that’s straightforward, uncomplicated, and wrong. What does an accountant say when getting on a train? Mind the GAAP. How do you know an accountant is taking a vacation day? He comes in after 8am and isn’t wearing a tie! How many accountants does it take to screw in a lightbulb? How many did it take last year? What do you call a financial controller who always works through lunch, take two days holiday every three years, works every weekend and stays until 10pm every night? Lazy. What do you call an accountant without a spreadsheet? Lost. What do accountants like most about the weekends? They get to wear casual clothes to work! Children may be a tax deductible, but they’re still taxing. Why don’t skunks have to pay taxes? They’ve only got one scent. Why do accountants make good lovers? They’re great with figures! What do actuaries do to liven … Continue reading Top 40 Accounting Jokes to Liven Up Your Day